November 10, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

First Haircuts!

On Lane's birthday, we decided to take him to get his first haircut. It was long overdue! We took him to a little barbershop in the town square and the barber was so excited about giving him his first haircut.

Before......(like I said, LONG overdue!)....


He was definitely a moving target, which is to be expected. But other than that he did so well! In all the excitement we forgot to get an after picture. I was a little sad because he looked so much older! But I was very happy that he looked just as handsome! :)

While we were at it, we decided to take Reece for her first haircut as well. This was a very controversial move for us. My mom was in Florida, and she had been adamantly against cutting Reece's hair. So we didn't tell her we were doing it (trying to help her enjoy her vacay or bitterness that she went to Florida without us ---- you decide).

Since it was such a milestone for us, we pulled out all the stops and took her to Sweet & Sassy. I was a little nervous as we pulled into the parking lot. We had been debating on whether or not to cut off 10 inches to donate. Her hair is just too beautiful to cut and throw away! So I did a little research a couple of days before. I knew that it took multiple donations to make a hair piece, but it didn't occur to me that they dye the hair. And that is the best part of Reece's hair- the beautiful color! Not to mention, to cut 10 inches would mean to cut it to above her shoulders. Which would mean no ponytail. So as she sat in the chair and they put the smock on her, I made the call- just a trim.




We ended up cutting FOUR INCHES! And it is still super long! A little piece of my soul died when I saw that the ends didn't curl anymore, but I had prepared myself for that to happen and actually took it quite well. Just like her brother, she walked out looking just as beautiful as when she walked in! :)

September 18, 2012

Recent Reece-isms

This picture was taken on Reece's first day of Parent's Day Out.

"Mom, I need to go play in the backyard because. . . because. . . because I'm awesome."
     Reece feels like she has to justify everything she does. If she can't think of a good reason, this is her go-to.

"Mom, my stomach hurts...because I have red hair. And it is long and beautiful."
     She's been admired a time or two (usually by complete strangers!) for her hair!

"Mom, can you tell Jacob to stop playing with my Legos? Because . . . they are breakable and they have mosquito bites."
     One day while sitting in our car in a parking lot waiting for Jason to meet us:
"Mom! If you don't unbuckle me and get me out of this car seat right now I am going to be more grumpy. than. normal."

     One day, while pushing her baby stroller around the house, she walked up to me and very matter-of-factly said this:
"Mom, this is my baby doll. She does not like birthday parties. Because. . . well because. . . well, I don't know. I just don't understand her."
     Last week Jacob had Strep and Scarlet Fever. Reece felt bad for him and said:
"Awwww. Poor sweet Jacob. Bless your head."

     Jacob and Reece were fighting over a toy and Reece yelled at Jacob:
"No, Jacob! Stop! Never! Give! Up!"
     I guess Reece has been watching too much Yo Gabba Gabba, but doesn't really understand the context of "Never Give Up."

Don't throw the baby out with the dishwater!

September 6, 2012

Can you guess what's wrong with this picture?

If your guess is a lack of healthy food (or food period), you are only half right. Look a little closer . . . . . yep . . . . . there's a baby in the pantry. For some reason this is his new favorite place to crawl to. Hey, where's Lane? I don't know, check the pantry. 

Feeding birds, riding camels....

Here are some pictures of Jacob and Reece feeding the birds at the Memphis Zoo. It took a lot of work to get the birds to come to us, but once they did it was so cool! 

Then Jason and Jacob got to ride a camel! His name was Mickey, which made Jacob very excited!

Once temps get back to the low 90s, maybe we'll visit again...

August 21, 2012

A week of firsts

About this time 5 years ago, when Jacob was about 9 months old, I walked into work and told my boss I was going to give him 6 weeks to find a replacement for me. I was going to quit working and stay home and raise my baby boy. Hands down one of the best decisions I ever made. It wasn't an easy decision, though. We had to make many sacrifices and I even nannied a couple of days a week for the extra money. But to this day I have not once regretted that decision. It has been the most rewarding experience of my life.

I knew that sometime in the very distant future, my baby boy would be starting kindergarten and I wouldn't get to spend all day, every day with him. Well, that day came a little faster than I thought it would. I am so sad dropping him off at school every day, wearing a backpack that makes him look like he should be falling backward, and walking to the door all by himself while he looks back and waves to me. But at the same time I am happy to see the wonderful "big boy" he has grown up to be. We have a joke in our house: I give him a tight hug and say Hey Jacob, will you do me a favor? He says Yes! I say Will you stop growing and be my baby forever? And he says No!!!! Then I always tell him that I'm glad because I love to watch him grow. I would give anything to hold him as a baby again, but I really do love to watch him grow and am so excited to see what he has in store for us in the future! I guess I can't keep him to myself forever. I'll share him with the rest of the world now, I know he makes it a better place!

So far, Kindergarten has exceeded my expectations. I feel so clueless, but everyone has been very helpful. For instance: when they pass out the students' car rider numbers at registration (you put a piece of paper on your windshield so they know what child you are there to pick up), who knew that the kid was actually supposed to memorize that number?! Not me! When it was my line's turn to pick up, everyone was getting their kid but me! I had to completely hold up traffic while I pulled up to holler out my window that my kid never came out. The principal said, "I'll go get him! Sometimes it takes them a while to remember their number." Oops. Was I supposed to teach him that? I didn't think that was even feasible, but he had it memorized by dinner that night and we haven't had a problem since. I am always opposed to the way that society is making our kids grow faster than they need to, but I do have to say that I am impressed by how well everything just happens at school. And I just have to mention how much I absolutely adore his teacher. She has been wonderful to him....and me! I could go on, and on, and on, but I would be typing all night. I feel so blessed to have her for my first experience with school.

Jason took the day off to be my moral support. But the day still drug on for.e.ver. (Channeling Squints Palledorous). Reece walked up to Jason that afternoon and said, "Dad, will you paint my toenails?" Random. But that gave me the opportunity for a lovely distraction! I asked if she would be interested in getting a "pedicure" and she said yes! So we went and had pedicures together.

Haha! This next picture cracks me up! 

Another first for the week: Lane started waving. I have to say, we may have a baby genius on our hands. Most babies do the open-and-close-their-hand-and-wave-at-their-own-face deal when they start waving. But not Lane. He gets his whole arm into it. And he does it on demand, without seeing you wave first. Just say "hi" to him and he starts waving. Also, if you say "yay" or "clap clap" to him he claps. He also gives high fives. And he knows all of the presidents in inaugural order. Ok, not really. Sometimes he misses James K. Polk and Martin Van Buren. We're working on it.

Here he is in all of his cuteness (please forgive the terrible lighting).

I think it is (beyond) safe to say that colic is over. It lasted about five months. Five months of absolute madness. But you can't tell by looking at him now! His smiles and laughter can light up a room. He has been through such a transformation. Every now and then we ask him Lane, what did you do with our baby? Whatever you did with him, we don't want him back! We'll keep you!