August 9, 2012

We're baaaaaack!

We recently connected with some distant relatives and promised to share pictures of the kids with them.  What better excuse to get back into the blog?! We changed the address to Now the time has come to make a new title! Here are some ideas we've come up with (and even some suggested by others):

The Three Amigos
Sold on Three
Third Time's a Charm Pain in the Rear!
Zone Defense
We Bought a Zoo
Party of 5
The Trifecta
Three and Counting...
Three and Out
Three Kids Mafia
Once, Twice, Three Times a Baby
Jacob and Reece and Lane Makes Three

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am awesome at making decisions, so we may decide on a title sometime in the next few months.

We desperately need to unload pictures off of our camera. We've been busy busy busy and have a lot to share with everyone! Jacob just started kindergarten, Reece's hair is getting so long that it goes past her waist, and Lane is such a happy boy these days (bye bye colic! Hooray!). But for now we'll share this picture of Jason and the kids from Father's Day.

I am hoping to do a good job of updating from now on! These kids are just too cute, gotta show 'em off! :)

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