March 14, 2011

You make plans, and God tells you why his are better!

This has become our new family motto. As I'm sure you've guessed by now, we are expecting another baby! I am 10 weeks pregnant, so we figured it was about time to share the news.

Here's the official story. One day I realized that I might be pregnant. Jason said nope, no way, he was 100% sure that I wasn't (with his baby at least! Ha!). So I waited a couple more days. Then a couple more days. Then one day while grocery shopping with Reece in Wal Mart the thought occurred to me that I should buy a pregnancy test. Then a shock went through my body as if God said, "BINGO!" and I just knew what it was going to say. I took it immediately when we got home. Now, in the past when I've taken tests, the results have been almost immediate. The box says to wait a few minutes, but I've never had to wait that long. This one took FOR-E-VER! When it finally said positive, I rushed to call Jason to tell him to come home for his lunch break. I called him probably 20 times and never got an answer! After his meeting, he called back and said he would come home. I was in a major state of panic, and he asked what was wrong. I started crying and yelled, "You should know!" and he figured it out. But when he got home, he was so thrilled at the news that I started to feel better.

I'm going to be completely honest, I'm still scared to death! I told Jason that I didn't want to tell anyone the news until I was done freaking out. I'm still waiting for that to happen. We were not planning this at all. We are building a new house which comes with a lot of expenses and started looking into another trip to Disney World this fall. I had the idea that we were done with kids, but Jason didn't want to be so I told him we would discuss it after my 10 year high school reunion (which will probably be right around my due date!). Every night we pray for three things: that God keeps us safe from evil and harm, He keeps us healthy, and that His will is done in our lives. I'm so glad that God has put me in my place and let me know that He has better plans for us than we could ever make for ourselves. I'm also glad He thinks that we have the ability to handle this. But, I guess it's been done before, so we'll make it!

On that note, judging from some of the reactions we've received, I guess having a third baby puts us up in the ranks with the Duggar family. People think we are crazy for having a third child. We've received lots of questions and even some eye rolls. So for those of you wondering: Yes, we know what causes this (obviously); Yes, we also know what prevents this (call me if you want more details on that!); Yes, we have cable; and I am *planning* for this to be the last, but you can see where *planning* has gotten us in the past. :)

On a few fun notes:
-This baby and Reece will have the same age difference as Jacob and Reece do! 2 years and 4 months. You just can not plan something like that!
-I have decided that we are not going to find out the sex of this one until D-day. We already have one of each, and since I'm *planning* for this to be our last, it's one way I can make this last one count!
-Reece has no idea what's going on, but she LOVES babies! Jacob kind of understands, but when asked if he wants a baby brother or sister, he says he wants to be a little sister. Haha!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Three will be so much fun!
