October 21, 2010

Go Tigers Go!

Recently we took the kids to their very first Tigers game. Despite a sudden windstorm, severe drop in temperature, and terrible defense by the home team, we had a great time! Here are some pictures:

Noone can make this girl laugh like her Dada!

Reece in her Tigers gear...Dada representing both favorites! :)

Walking from the tailgate to the game with one of our favorite families/zoo pals, the Fullers! I'm pretty sure that is Stephen on the right taking one girl away and telling Jacob, "one at a time".

When we walked into the stands the kids were mezmerized! I guess they are destined to be U of M students someday!
(Take note of the wind!)

Hopefully we can post some pictures of our first Tigers basketball game soon!

*Pictures courtesy of Katrina's iPhone!

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