March 12, 2010

As Jacob would say...."TA DA!"

May I present, by popular request....The Adventures of Jacob and Reece!

Two of my New Years Resolutions were to take more pictures of our kids and to start a blog about them. Well now that it's March, I figured it's about time I get started! A lot of our friends have blogs about their kids, and I've thought about doing one for a long time. We have a lot of family and friends who love to get emails about Jacob and Reece, but alas, I never send any. So I thought this would be a perfect way to keep everyone up-to-date on what's going on with Jacob and Reece. This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we have the 2 most precious children in the world. Nor does this have anything to do with the fact that we are very proud of them and love to show them off. We're just doing this for everyone else! :)

One reason I've put off doing this is because I'm a firm believer in sibling equality. (Mom- stop laughing!). I didn't like the fact that I would be starting this while Reece is a baby, and I never got to share any cute stories/pictures of Jacob when he was a baby. Then I remembered an idea I got from our good friend Emily Fuller (author of the infamous Twins Come in Twos- Adventures of the Fuller Five blog). Every now and then I will do a "Flashback Friday" or "Turnback Tuesday" or something and post an old picture, story, whatever. But I won't commit to either, because anyone who knows me well knows that I won't be able to stick to one specific day every week. As a matter of fact, this might be the one and only post this blog has!

Here is a recent picture of Jacob and Reece that has gotten a lot of praise. My mom had an idea to do a "Where's Waldo" type picture of the kids and send it to Jason while he was in Japan for 2 weeks. It's turned out to be one of everyone's favorite pictures. I'm even considering doing a whole book of "Where's Jacob and Reece" and do a different theme with every page! You know, once the dishwasher is unloaded, the clothes are folded, the kids graduate college, etc.

Hope y'all enjoy!


  1. Love it!
    Welcome to the blogging world!
    I have a blog, Daniel has one and we have a family one. Click on our profiles to find them all! The family blog is the best of course! :)

    And this is my favorite picture of them! I love the idea of the "Where's Waldo?" type thing with them. What a cute idea to find them in different places. Keep up the great work!

  2. I love the blog!! It'll be fun to read about all your adventures. I like the idea of a book "Where is Jacob and Reece?". They will love it as they grow. It will be enjoyed time and time again.

  3. In the words of my precious great-grandson,
    "TA DA" says it all. Angela this is so enjoyable and cute. You are too funny. I literally laughed out loud.

    I too, like the concept of "Where's Waldo". So many ideas and possibilities for cute photos.

    "Flashback Friday" or "Turnback Tuesday or Thursday" is a great idea to show off Jacob's cute younger self. Go for it!

    Just don't let us wait too long for the next episode. Love to all, Bigmama

  4. This picture is precious! I love that idea too! Why haven't I seen your blog until now?
