November 10, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

First Haircuts!

On Lane's birthday, we decided to take him to get his first haircut. It was long overdue! We took him to a little barbershop in the town square and the barber was so excited about giving him his first haircut.

Before......(like I said, LONG overdue!)....


He was definitely a moving target, which is to be expected. But other than that he did so well! In all the excitement we forgot to get an after picture. I was a little sad because he looked so much older! But I was very happy that he looked just as handsome! :)

While we were at it, we decided to take Reece for her first haircut as well. This was a very controversial move for us. My mom was in Florida, and she had been adamantly against cutting Reece's hair. So we didn't tell her we were doing it (trying to help her enjoy her vacay or bitterness that she went to Florida without us ---- you decide).

Since it was such a milestone for us, we pulled out all the stops and took her to Sweet & Sassy. I was a little nervous as we pulled into the parking lot. We had been debating on whether or not to cut off 10 inches to donate. Her hair is just too beautiful to cut and throw away! So I did a little research a couple of days before. I knew that it took multiple donations to make a hair piece, but it didn't occur to me that they dye the hair. And that is the best part of Reece's hair- the beautiful color! Not to mention, to cut 10 inches would mean to cut it to above her shoulders. Which would mean no ponytail. So as she sat in the chair and they put the smock on her, I made the call- just a trim.




We ended up cutting FOUR INCHES! And it is still super long! A little piece of my soul died when I saw that the ends didn't curl anymore, but I had prepared myself for that to happen and actually took it quite well. Just like her brother, she walked out looking just as beautiful as when she walked in! :)